Home / Compactors & Bin Lifts
As a leading manufacturer and distributor of recycling equipment, LSM UK offer rental and purchase options for a range of bin compactors and bin lifts.
Our Customers
As the UK’s leading waste baler specialist, LSM supplies shops, garden centres, hotels,
hardware stores, farm shops etc. with waste solutions for various recyclable materials
including cardboard, paper and plastics etc.

Could the right waste baler pay for itself?
Selecting the right baler for your business can
reduce waste collection fees and actually earn
you money, by turning that waste into a saleable
commodity, baled and ready for collection.
Why a baler is key to efficient waste removal
Using a baler significantly reduces the labour involved
in flattening boxes manually and improves waste
management by compressing recyclable waste,
enhancing the efficiency of your business.